97 questions

80 answers


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Welcome to the AcroRip Q&A, where you can ask questions relating to RIP Software or Specialty Printing, and receive answers from other members of the community. To contact us, email contact@acrorip.com


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by (2k points)

1 Answer

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As of Feb 2021, ACRORIP V10.1 has been released and has the following features:

As compared to previous AcroRip versions, this ACRO V10.1 software features:

  • Easy and bug-free installation (V9 is more complicated and buggy to install)
  • Custom channel settings (on V9, the channels are fixed, however with V10 you can change channels on demand and based on your custom requirements)

  • Updated Drivers
  • If a COLOR ( CMYK) Nozzle is clogged, the CUSTOM CHANNEL Setup feature allows CHANNEL SUBSTITUTION. For example, if yellow is clogged, use a WHITE CHANNEL and use YELLOW INK in that CHANNEL and Close off the original Yellow channel. Simpler example is change the white cartridge for a yellow one, in the working channel, and make that setting in the setup menu. This feature is useful in DTG and DTF systems to allow the use of the head, even with clogged channel(s). Basically allows you to continue to use a clogged head, since you have 2 or 4 white in channels as substitutionary.
  • WAVE FUNCTION: This is for UV printers that have Epson Printheads, to alleviate a banding issue. Allows for "wider spray".
  • Proprietary RIP BOOST ™ setting to increase the print speed of the popular Epson L1800 printer by 40%

You can buy ACRORIP V10.1 here

by (2k points)
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