97 questions

80 answers


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Welcome to the AcroRip Q&A, where you can ask questions relating to RIP Software or Specialty Printing, and receive answers from other members of the community. To contact us, email contact@acrorip.com


+1 vote

Epson Stylus R1900/R2000

Epson Stylus R2400, R2880

Epson Stylus R3000

Epson Stylus P400

Epson Stylus P600

Epson Stylus P800

Epson Stylus 3880 /3800

Epson Stylus 4880 / 4800 / 4890 / Stylus Pro 4900

Epson Stylus 7800, 7880, 7890

Epson Stylus Photo 1390 / 1400

Epson L1800 / Epson L1800 (Ripboost ®)

Epson L800 /805

Epson XP-15000

Epson SureColor P6000 

by (990 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The above list is the printer compatibility for ACRORIP V10.2, released April 22, 2021
by (2k points)